Ashviqha's Posting:
Love those earring and never had chance to try it out. And today my dream came true. Yayyy..i've pierced my ears today.
Few drops of tears, just to officiate the ear piercing session..:)
I'm not suppose to remove the earring for another 3 weeks. Then I guess I'll switch to a different earring. PaPa fell in love with one of the white gold earring ...hey it comes with a white stone you know. PaPa was 'hey i think this will look simple and nice on you'..and Mommy turned the price tag and GOsh it was RM5880. wHaT?? dIaMoND? 'Ok no thanks, maybe another day yaaa'. Even if I'm as rich as Uncle AK, I don't think I would spend soooo much for such a small stone!!