Ashviqha's Posting:
Hi how's everyone? We are good. Next week is my mid term examination. I'm not as worried as Mommy though. You may call it happy go lucky. That's me! Did I ever mention that i started my modern dance class this month. Big full stop for Ballet after we moved to Puchong. I wasn't keen going to any other dance academy except Aurora at SS18. And Mommy wasn't keen on travelling to Subang every week. Btw, my intention to pick up modern dance in Aurora wasn't at the greatest momentum. So I decided to stop Ballet. (** Btw, just forget about my ambition of becoming a Ballet dance teacher. My ambition grows as I grow..hehe:) Modern dance has always been my passion. And recently Mommy came across an academy which offers Bollywood dance. What else...let's try. I just love being there. You'll be suprised with my instructor................................!!! I'll reveal more in my next posting about this academy and also the instructor. Get ready for the suprise ok. Meanwhile, let's catch-up with some recent photos of Levin & me.
My best buddy Tanisha from Ipoh. She lives near Attha's house. Great buddy whenver i'm in Ipoh.
Once in a while...after my Drama Class
Levinkha's best buddy Tiny. Tiny was here last 25 Apr. I think he had too many stuffs to carry along with him for 1 night stay.

Both puppies(ooopppps...) posing for the camera

Manage to smile after a long cry. That's our darling!

She's not stylish, girlish, modelish...etc. 'lish' but once in a while she gives a shock....

..she can be a great model!