Daisypath Friendship tickers

Friday, August 06, 2010

Ï'm 3 Today

Levinkha's Posting:

Hey I turned 3 today. Mommy says you get wrinkles as you get old. But i don't see any extra lines today...LOL:) Still in the safe zone I guess!

I'm officially 3 today. We had a small birthday party..with all our close uncles & aunties, around 20 of us. Only Manju atthai didn't turn up as she always stuck in traffic on Fridays. But she promised to visit us tomorrow. Some pix to share the moment with all of you out there...

What a coincodence...3 Mickey for 3 years birthday...Never realised it until this posting.

Taaaaa daaaaaaa.....Proudly presents the birthday girl with the birthday dress courtesy from Susie Periamma.

How is it...?

Nobody started it...so...I started of the birthday song...

Sisterly love...nothing can be sweeter than this. There'll be thousands of sisters but nothing can be like your own sister...(that's what Mommy claims!)

Vim atthai gave a piggy bank as birthday gift..Hope i'll start saving now. There are many gift from Mommy& Papa, Akka, Thata& Athha, but too many to post here! Anyway thanks for the all the wonderful gift, we love you uncles & aunties.

Ash-Levin Turning 2

Ashviqha and Levinkha:

Today at 6 Aug, 11:03am Ash-Levin.blogspot turning 2. Why are we being so specific with 11:03am? Yes, Levinkha was introduced to this world at that particular time 3 years back. Our deepest thanks to those of you who have read, commented, befriended and otherwise kept us company over this time. I hope each of you—those who subscribe, discovered this blog by clicking on a link, learned about it by old-fashioned word of mouth or Googled your way here—will continue reading. We appreciate your visit here!.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Kitchen R&D

Ashviqha's Posting:
There's new R&D being carried out in the kitchen lately. The researcher is not aiming for any innovation here but to play around or get used to the research system and equipments. It is indeed a great way to be a successful researcher. All the best PaPa for being a researcher in our brand new kitchen. Gender pose no barrier here. Hope your struggle continues...

This is the innovation by PaPa a.k.a Researcher. The egg tofu with mix vege tasted good for a first timer. Hoping to see more innovation for the upcoming weekends!