Ashviqha's Posting:
Hi everyone, how was Diwali? We had a simple celebration in Ipoh this year. Aattha bought pretty dresses for us to mark the auspicious day. But unfortunately the photos are not avaiable as we didn't carry our camera. Probably later when we are free we would pose for the camera to capture our beautiful dress (the dress is getting shorter day by day...or we are getting taller day by day).
Let's get back to title here. Last Sat, Mommy organized Girls' Only Party for me. It was a blast!! Originally we wanted to have a small birthday party with games but unfortunately Mommy was away in Peine, so we decided to postpone the postponed till I never realized that we actually planned one! So the theme was ONLY GIRLS! But guess what we had a super gorgeous hero who made our day. Jeng...jeng...
11 of us...small but a loud group. No wonder Mommy lost her voice end of the day. (Mommy & PaPa: 'How the teachers in school can survive with you ppl? Amazing!!)
Before the party started...From left, Annie Tang, Pramiqha (kindy friend), Bibi(neighbour) and Natalie. Waiting for more to come.
Simple decor by PaPa...
My darling sister, part of the party too!

Having delicious meal...anyone on the next two floors?

Getting ready for the cake cutting. That's my Barbie cake. She was looking gorgeous, sad to CUT & EAT her!!
Ohhh, she's looking sweet with this outfit.
Mommy organized few games such as Statue dance, poison box, musical chair and talent time. The girls enjoyed collecting lots and lots of presents. Even the loosers get generous Mommy can be!!
Finally, all of us sat down, opening the birthday gifts. Thanks friends for all the wonderful gifts...
ANDDDDDDDD this is the HERO I was talking about, Andy Tang. He's my classmate Annie Tang's bro. We are from the same school and he's in Satndard 5. He asked Mommy if he could join the party as well. Mommy had no choice but to accept him. But trust me, PaPa and Mommy just loved him sooo much for the way he is. He was assisting PaPa and Mommy conducting the games. He was jovial, funny, .........(list goes on). If there's another party here, difinetely Andy Tang will be in the top of the list. Thanks Andy for cheering up the party!
Overall it was a great party. Mommy got some feedbacks from my friends....
'Aunty this party is the best in the WORLD'. 'Pls invite me next time if there's any party'. 'This is the first party with lots of game and presents, just love it'.
1) More games with more presents will be exciting
2) No heavy food like Mee Hoon. Sausages and nuggets will be the best!
3) Plan early and do a proper invitation card, not a last minute one with hand drawn map...
4) Get a microphone
5) 2-in-1 birthday (Levinkha's and mine), so that we don't end up fighting for the birthday gift.
6) Prepare a BIG plastic bag for everyone, to put all the presents in.