So, come let's enjoy my thosai...
Ashviqha 'N' Levinkha
Joy of Sisterhood ...there is no time like the old time, when you and I were young!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
My First Thosai
So, come let's enjoy my thosai...
Monday, August 20, 2012
Color Me Brown..
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Sin @ Dosa
Mommy : What? Berdosa?
Ash : Yes Mommy ...Berdosa kan?
Mommy : Why is it all of a sudden berdosa is in Malay language? Who taught you the word? Guess must be a Malay friend of yours.
Ash : Yes Mommy, it's Sarah...but she doesn't know how to translate.
Berdosa (sin) has been a popular word here recently but nothing can beat the cuteness of Levinkha pronouncing the word..
(This happened during the month of Ramadhan..the fasting month for the Muslims)
Levinkha : Mommy, if Kakak eat now, she bodosa rite?
Mommy : What?
Levinkha : Bodosa rite Mommy?
Mommy & Ash : BODOSA ??? Ohhhh u mean 'berdosa'
Levinkha : Ya..ya..
Probably it doesn't sound that cute here..but trust me it was a LOL :) moment.
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Ash & Levin's Posting:

Friday, December 30, 2011
Ash Birthday - 1609
We just realized that we have too many postings on birthdays. So I decided to cut short on this one. Mini celebration on 17 Sep. Around 25 attended the function from the 'Mix Cong Clan'.
Papa's Birthday - 1509
It was a massive planning on 15 Sep 2011. We went gaga on what to buy? Will Papa like the gift? What cake? After a looong planning, we decided to buy a cake worth of RM4.90. Yes I'm right, a RM4.90 cake with a diameter of 8cm. I guess the gift from Giorgio Armani was much bigger than the cake!! It was a surprise mini celebration. We started with a beautiful dark night by switching off all lights. Then when Papa entered the house, we surprised him by throwing the confetti....Oooh lala...there goes the birthday cake lit up and traditional birthday song...................
Smallest, cheapest, tastiest cake ever...
Mini cake cutting ceremony...less people more share!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sports Day 2011
Just can't recall the date, what a poor memory! Definetely the sports day was before my birthday ..haha (at least managed to remember that!). Took part in 1 event 4x50m and won the gold medal. Papa said 'What a distance yahh! Mmm'
Proud dad..(proud mommy bz capturing the the proud moments..LOL:) AND The proud sister parading Akka's medal!!
Turning 4
Adhi Athhiii..."Is it that finger lickin' good?''The oldest member of the party
Saturday, August 06, 2011
3rd Bloggerversary
Once again we would like to say 'Thank You' to one and all who contributed their bit...especially Mommy for the effort and extra bits of ideas.
Friday, July 29, 2011
First 21st
It was big crowd, never expected that though! Mommy has too many cuzzies and i can hardly remember all the names. Yes too many....just scroll down to see the number of people in her family, the 3rd & 4th Generation of V & V (Veerappan & Veerammah).
The BLUE CAKE..(a tasty one)
Cake cutting...Left: Senthilah Akka's dad. Right: Her mom..Akka's dad is my grandmom's brother. In that case what shall i call him..Thatha? Doesn't he look young to be called Thatha. He insisted that we should call him Periappa..
Btw, Levinkha feels Thatha sounds old, she's gonna call him 'Grandpa' which sounds younger...LOL :)
English feels young, tamil means old....Enna Kodumai saar ithu!
Mommy is already grumbling with 2 girls...just imagine if it is extra 6 in my family now...probably Mommy will end up in Tg Rambutan.... :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
IQ Test
Mommy : Where is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
Ashviqha : ITALY
Mommy : Where is the Eiffel Tower
Ashviqha : PARIS
Mommy : Good...Ok Levinkha, who's the President of America?
Levinkha : BERAK OMAMA
Mommy : Whatttt? B****k....OMG
You tried your best and you are almost there.
Mommy : Ok, Ashviqha, what's the tallest mountain in the world?
Mommy : WHHAATTT? Since when?
I'm tired, can we STOP here for today??
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Baby Power
It was Baby Tharvin's (Papa's cousin brother's son) 1st birthday last Saturday. It was truly an exciting party with lots of highlights.
They had number games for the kids and also adults. The highlight of the party was the adult's game. Three couples took part (Thank god it wasn't Papa n Mommy). Nallasivam Perippa & Vasuge Perimma, Amutha Attai & Mama and another couple. All the ladies were given a milk bottle and they are suppose to feed the babies ...ooops i mean their husbands. Pity the babies were only given plain water ... :) The fastest baby will be the winner.