A little bit on my 4th birthday update. I know it's an overdue entry but my chief editor makes it a point that we should share all the memorable moments here for later admiration!

My birthday this year fell on a Saturday and it was indeed great to have all my 'little' friends around me to celebrate the special day. Thanks to Uncle Sara, Uncle Raaga, Uncle Sunthar, Uncle Nathan and their family for being with us that evening.
Me with my birthday dress...
Thanks for all the prezzies...
Wow..a big one from Akka..thx so much Akka!
WAAHHHHH...a Barbie Piano! I didn't know that!
Mommy arranged some games for the kids..we did enjoy!
Statue dance game. It was really fun..
Pretty ladikis ..my wonderful neighbours.
Serious discussion never ends when the coursemates meet :)
All my 'little' friends. Btw, another 4 missing!
That's my cake. Akka had the same type of cake last year and finally i got it this year. Princess ..mmm
Adhi Athhiii..."Is it that finger lickin' good?''The oldest member of the party
so COOL. i love it.very creative.WOW.
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