Daisypath Friendship tickers

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's Mommy's Birthday

Ashviqha's Posting:

Yesterday was Mommy's birthday. What a coincidence in my family, PaPa and I share the same birthday month; Sep and Mommy and Levinkha; August. To be exact, PaPa's birthday is on the 15th and mine on the 16th...difference of one day. Meanwhile Levinkha's birthday falls on 6th and Mommy's on the 13th...difference of 1 week. Amazing...I mean my Mathematics!!

Mommy is turning xx today. Mmm...I should keep it secret because she doesn't like telling others about her age (getting old maybe). Well, when I was born she was still young, only 27...and now I'm already a big girl..then definetely she's quite old, isn't it? :)

Today all of us suppose to go for dinner in TGIF but we ended up in a Chinese Restaurant. As usual we had to fulfill the 'birthday girl's' wish!! Hey I thought she was on diet?

There she goes around the table looking for food...LOL:)

Mommy always busy with her camera, trying for the best shot..but pity her (you know what I mean)

We want to see your photo after 30 years Mommy..Please cooperate!

That's Mommy the 'birthday girl'

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