Daisypath Friendship tickers

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What's in Name

Levinkha's Posting:

I always wonder what my name stands for... Whenever I meet new people they always praise my name; such an unique name! Me being here for less than 18months wouldn't know what exactly it means. Finally got an anwers today. In Mommy's opinion name should stand alone..she says that Levinkha means Mr & Mrs Rames's daughter, that sounds practical isn't it? Why would anyone wants to have a name which means something else eg: Rose, Daisy etc..

It seems Mommy and PaPa were hunting for a name which suits me and the ending should sound 'kha' because they wanted my name and Akka's name to rhyme.

So I guess Mommy and PaPa had a tough time to get a name for me. Mommy said that she took almost two weeks to finalise my name, in fact they had a tough time to choose one out of three! They had 3 names for me:

LENISHKHA - (PaPa's creation)
LERINKHA - (Mommy's creation)
LEVINKHA - (PaPa + Mommy's creation)

Considering others factor such as numerology, they decided on LEVINKHA. But when Mommy was doing additional homework she discovered that 'Lev' means 'Tigress' in Russian Language. Thanks PaPa for giving me such a beautiful name and not like Mommy's ancient name..LOL:))

How did Mommy and PaPa come up with Akka's name ..ASHVIQHA. Also they had 3 names to choose from. Mommy said they were a bit excited to receive their first baby and they did some SMS poll to get the highest voted name. The names given were:


From the poll they decided on ASHVIQHA. Hey I like the 'Q' there, makes the name looks unique! Nothing compares to her charming eyes!! But Mommy why is it Akka has got hazel eyes and me with dark brown eyes?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

20012002 - 20012009

Ashviqha`s Posting:
The lovely couple...

Happy Anniversary PaPa and Mommy...

It's been 7 wonderful years for both of you. PaPa and Mommy got married on 20th January 2002 in Seremban. I know it's hard for PaPa and Mommy to accept the fact that they are not able to celebrate their 7th anniversary together.
I saw Mommy crying yesterday night, i felt like crying too...probably she's missing PaPa. Went near her and whispered...Mommy why are you crying? Thinking of your anniversary tommorow?...............................She answered, Ohhh Yaaa...tommorrow right? By the way I'm crying because of my ear infection, I can't bare the pain.
Mmmmm I guess this is what happens after 7 years...LOL:))
From my 5 1/2 years of observation I discovered that:
Love + Happy + Sad + Annoyed + Frustrated + Sharing + Forgiving + ...(etc.) + cute daughters = HAPPY FAMILY

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Journey Into Dance

Ashviqha's Posting:

I was supposed to join the Aurora Dance Academy for Classical Ballet last October. Unfortunately Levinkha was not well and Mommy was so occupied with her jogs to hospital most of the time. Finally 5 JANUARY 2009 marks my journey into dancing world.

I like the cool and sexy outfit...Most importantly the colour which adores me 'PINK'. I'm quite excited about Ballet and definitely if time permits i would like to continue with Salsa, Latin, Belly, Modern Dancing and others. Who knows one day I might run my own Dance Academy!!
My teacher Ms Jin Li had only one comment after the class..."Ashviqha is so talkative!!". Well, PaPa didn't show any sign of surprise, "Yaaa he knows I'm talkative". It's nice to attract people by talking..especially on your first meet-up!!

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Ashviqha's Posting:

2010 will mark the first year of my schooling life. The 'Happy Family' went to SRK Pusat Bandar Puchong (2) to register for Year 1 on 19th of Dec 2008. The environment is pretty refreshing with a little hill at the rear side. What a suprise to me...the school is as old as me!

We went around the school, the canteen, washroom, classrooms etc. Some pics that we captured...it's history in the making.

The classrooms

The canteen

The field

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Ashviqha's Posting:

Parachute + sailing = Para sailing. I hope I got the correct definition. Amazing experience I would say. It was a sudden decision. We were lazing by the beach during our vacation in Penang. There were a lot of water sport activities going on at the beach. The one that caught my attention was Parasailing, unquestionably. I right away asked PaPa if he would sail with me. I could have asked Mommy, but that would be a waste of time as Mommy has all kinds of phobia. I am sure Height is one of them. PaPa was excited with the idea.

After some bargaining with the captain, off we went to another beach, the speedboat ride to the other beach is part of the package.

Once we arrived the captain gave us some instruction on how to sail, especially landing.

We were towed behind a boat while attached to a specially designed parachute. In no time we were up in the air. Wow… what an exciting ride. I surprised everyone including myself as I was very brave and enjoyed the ride… every second of it.

Successful landing....

Yes we did it!!!

It Was PaPa’s Idea...

Ashviqha's Posting:
......on the vacation destination. I was promised with a vacation if I score all A’s in my final exam. The three of us (PaPa, Mommy and I and as usual Levinkha was left at Thatha's house in Ipoh) went to Penang for a 3 days and 2-night vacation last December from 22nd - 24th.

Hey wait a minute..if I’m not mistaken they promised me an overseas vacation but at last we went to Penang Island. Mommy convinced me it’s ‘over the sea’ but I know we are not off the country because none of us carried the passport. I’m a smart kid dude! I’m studying in Smart Reader Kids!!
We stayed in Batu Feringgi on day 1 and later in Gurney Drive for another day. PaPa booked a hotel or shall I call it a hostel….Bayview Beach Resort in Batu Feringgi. Mommy said that the Hotel looks like her College Hostel 10 years back. But whatever it is, we were amazed with the swimming pool. I couldn’t be bothered with the high fever which was disturbing me and ended up in the swimming pool with PaPa. Fever just disappeared. Mommy..do you call it a 'Sponge Bath'?…LOL:)
Gurney Drive..sounds English but still very Malaysian. We spent a day in Gurney Hotel. We got a spectacular view of the Island from the 35th Floor. I didn’t quite enjoy the pool as it was located in the 7th Floor and it was quite windy.

Relaxing at the Batu Feringgi beach. This photo was taken by Mommy. Guess what...she took about 10 shots to get all of us in this photo.

Aerial view of Bayview Resort Swimming Pool

...and this is what happens when PaPa forgets his swimming trunk

Dinner at The Ship Batu Feringgi. The food was so yummy!

Spectacular view from the 35th Floor of Gurney Hotel

Sun bathing..I was desperate!!!

At the Kek Lok Si Temple

In the ferry..journey back to Ipoh

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Goodbye 2008, Welcome 2009

Ashviqha & Levinkha's Posting:

A brand new year, 2009, is here with us! We can hardly believe it - 2008 seems like just yesterday. Time flies by so fast with each passing year. With the birth of 2009, we would like to make a promise to Mommy and PaPa that we'll be wonderful daughters. Let us wish you the best and the brightest of 2009! Have a wonderful New Year!!