Daisypath Friendship tickers

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Ashviqha's Posting:

Parachute + sailing = Para sailing. I hope I got the correct definition. Amazing experience I would say. It was a sudden decision. We were lazing by the beach during our vacation in Penang. There were a lot of water sport activities going on at the beach. The one that caught my attention was Parasailing, unquestionably. I right away asked PaPa if he would sail with me. I could have asked Mommy, but that would be a waste of time as Mommy has all kinds of phobia. I am sure Height is one of them. PaPa was excited with the idea.

After some bargaining with the captain, off we went to another beach, the speedboat ride to the other beach is part of the package.

Once we arrived the captain gave us some instruction on how to sail, especially landing.

We were towed behind a boat while attached to a specially designed parachute. In no time we were up in the air. Wow… what an exciting ride. I surprised everyone including myself as I was very brave and enjoyed the ride… every second of it.

Successful landing....

Yes we did it!!!

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