I went for an eye checkup today with Dr. Manoj Sajnani in KJMC. Mommy was trying to get a Paediatric Opthamologist but she couldn't. Some promised to let her know but as usual they can be hopeless at times! Basically Mommy knew that she shouldn't be delaying the checkup as I was regularly complaining of headache and itchiness.
Mommy said I should give a try with this Opthamologist even though she knows that EYE matter is always been a sensitive one to me. Well, when I entered...saw the good looking doctor awaiting me with a smile...
'Good morning sweetie'...'Wow you've got beautiful eyes'....
First he offered me some sweets. I was so happy, I don't think I need a Paediatric Opthamalogist, after all it's the same procedure!! I felt comfortable with this doctor because we talk the same language.
He checked my eyes and confirmed that my eyesight is normal. But there's some growth(papillae) on my upper lid which causes itchiness. Well, he advised me to stop rubbing my eyes because the round eye, shaped like a football might turn into a rugby ball or in medical terms they call it 'astigmatism'.
Next appointment in 2 weeks time after completing some medications.
get well soon, dear!
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