Levinkha's Posting:
...2 days and 1 night stay to be axact. PaPa and Mommy always exclude me from their vacation. They say it's difficult to control me..compared to Akka. But suprisingly last Friday they took me to Port Dickson(PD). I enjoyed my stay there and proved to everyone that I'm a very obedient girl(it's just a tactic for another vacation...heard that they are going to India end of this year!).
We spent most of our time in the swimming pool. We also took a short walk along the beach...hey it was nice to walk barefooted on the sandy beach! The photos say it all...

Beautiful scenery from Admiral Cove
The childrens' pool is simply amazing..

Learning how to swim
Escaped from the pool..just needed some sunshine to keep me warm!

Candid shot??

What's the 'ooohhhh' for?PaPa says at one glimpse she looks like Asin...Asin? Someone famous? I only know cartoon characters at the moment. My version says she looks like Pooh Bear!
Family photo...

My first beach visit!
Never say NO when people let you play in the water!
Mommy says this plant is called the sleeping plant or sleeping grass. The fern like leaves close up and droop when touched, usually re-open within minutes. That's something new to Akka and me.
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