Daisypath Friendship tickers

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bowling @ Summit USJ

Levinkha's Posting:

Hello. I guess I went missing for some time. I blame no one but myself. I was too busy picking up new things in life. Basically I've improved my vocabulary, with complete sentences. PaPa goes crazy with his handycam to capture the Moments...but i just get tired easily! Well I'm still getting used to the camera nowadays.

Few weeks back we went for bowling @ Summit USJ, 5th July to be exact. That was my first trip to bowling alley. I had fun rolling the ball and rolling with the ball...LOL:) It was fun playing with Akka, Mommy and PaPa. PaPa was trying to teach Akka and Me but I guess Akka was more serious compared to me. I was going around picking up the the lightest ball with striking colors.

U girls better listen to me...

Ok PaPa I will...

Let me try first...

That was a good one...

Mommy is very proud of me...

Yaaaahoooo....5 pins!!!

Now it's Akka's turn...

Not bad...

I'm too tired...Can I have some rest?

Finally...2 winners and 2 losers.

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