I get to hear bedtime stories everyday but it also depends on Levinkha's mood. If Levinkha doesn't sit still and listen, then I need to say bye bye to my bedtime story...
And sometimes she can be really funny....After each sentences of the story she goes...'Ohh'.
She sounds like a typical granny!
Last week we got a real time story..on Mommy's experience giving birth to Levinkha. Mommy says she wanted to record the story before she forgets but unfortunately she's not free. So i'll do it on her behalf.
Here goes our bedtime story on 15th Aug 09
"Two years back on the 3rd Aug 2007, Friday I had slight pain, not knowing whether it was contraction. Went to KJMC...Guess what?? PaPa was at work and Thatha brought me to the hospital with his hazard lights on, gave me a good laugh for that evening. Dr. Silvam waited for us in the hospital...straight went in to the labour room but there's no dilation. He asked me to get admitted since i'm almost there. Decided to get admitted, and of course so determined to push as soon as possible. Lots of exercise but nothing helped. So they decided to discharge me the next day...nothing to feel happy coz the little one is still hiding there and walking up and down the hospital not only consuming petrol but also money!! I became very ancious and frustrated too...family members and Dr Silvam started calling in on and off to find out if i had contraction. After a long wait, on Sunday, 5th Aug about 11.30pm had a slight pain, but still unsure whether it was contraction. At that moment, PaPa was out with Sekaran Periappa for supper. Yaa...Sekaran Periappa was back from Perth for a short break to settle some of his work here. So I was so excited that finally i got contraction and called PaPa back home. So later when they came back, we (PaPa, Sekaran Periappa and Me) rushed to KJMC. I was walking with a very cool look to the ward, told the nurse on duty ..."I nak deliver" (I want to deliver now)...All of them looked at me shockingly....well probably i don't look like one. In fact the nurse asked me..."Betul ke Puan nak bersalin...". I said "Of course la...i'm having contraction...pls call Dr. Silvam". I walked up to the labour room waiting for the doc. Doc arrived about 1am.....By then it was intense contraction, but still manage to smile looking at my doc's sleepy eyes with shirts not properly buttoned....hehe!!!! I know I'm cruel...had to wake up that poor man middle of the nite but that's the only way to keep myself calm! Well I enjoyed every moment in the delivery room...knowing that this will be last time I'll visit THIS ROOM. Never ever again! There was one more labour room next to mine. All i could here, women screaming..followed by baby crying... but not the same in my room. Few people delivered after i went in to the labour room...but not me!!! When is my turn?....OMG, I couldn't bare the pain. By 6am to 7am i was fully dilated but unfortunately the baby's head was not properly positioned in order for me to push. The doc tried tilting the baby's head and finally i was ready to push about 10am. I was tired + thirsty +tensed + low stamina ...but somehow i tried my best. The midwife was very caring and helpful, unfortunately i can't recall her name...the nurse, Kosheela is also very loving person. Their encouragement was very valuable and really appreciate it!
After pushing few times...PaPa could see the head but still the baby is not out! I was dead tired so asked the doc if I could go for a C-Sec. Before the doc. could say anything Kosheela was fuming "you better deliver normal...you've gone through half the pain, why do you want to give up...no..you are not allowed for C-Sec". Deep down I was thinking..."this must be very experienced mom cum nurse"...............To my shock, only recently got to know (when I brought Levinkha for checkup) that Kosheela delivered her first baby last May 2008. What?? She was talking as if she has 5 kids during my delivery...and now this is her FIRST CHILD? Amazing woman with encouraging words...love u Kosheela! I couldn't have done it without you!
Let's go back to the story...the doc wanted me to give a final try before proceeding for a C-Sec. PUSH! PUSH! Mmmm...not that easy though...but somehow I did it and finally the baby a.k.a Levinkha was out from that confined space at 11.03; 6th August 2007. I love the date as those who are born on the 6th will excel in life ...hoping to see Einstein in the family since we know Aishwarya Rai is already in the making.....hehehe!!"

I am a GIRL..

To Ash-Levin's Mom...
It's really touching to read ur labour memories...
There's no powerful man than a labouring woman...;)
Gud to let the kiddies know how much we went tru...n we too knew how much our Moms had gone tru...;)
Such a painful yet lovely moments...
Anyways, thanks for visiting my page ya n for ur compliments...
To Ash-Levin, U both have got such a lovely parents, and they've got 2 Angels too ;)...
Stay In Touch,
Where r the Angels??? Missing their update! hihi ;)
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