Ashviqha's Posting:
Finally I've graduated from Kindy. Informal graduation though coz I still have to go school until mid Dec. Mommy says this is the first step towards achieving my goals. I was told that there's more to go through. Whatever it is, I'm proud of myself as graduation ceremony took place yesterday in conjuction with the Annual Concert 2009. It was held in Summit USJ Auditorium, the same venue as the previous year. As usual, lots of effort was put in by the teachers and children to entertain the guests. Here goes my concert & graduation pre-shoot photos...actual concert photos will be posted once we get it end of this month.

Concert Attire...for the Mickey Song. The dress was a bit loose and 'Kakak' had to alter it. Definetely it was looking better yesterday :)

My classmates @dance group.
I'm geared up to move to Standard 1..
When can I throw my mortarboard??
Wow, nice pics there! Pandai posing erk Ashviqha...;)
Congratz on ur graduation dear ;) All the best for Standard One! :)
congratz ash...u luk so cute...
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