Daisypath Friendship tickers

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Funny Conversation

Ashviqha's Posting:

PaPa: Where do you want to go for holidays?
Levin: Kong Kong Disneyland!
PaPa: Thank God not King Kong Disneyland!!

Mommy : Where is your Bindi (Pottu) Levi? U drop it somewhere?
Go find it...
Levin : I finded, Mommy!
Mommy : Oh dearie...i know how hard you try to use Tense...but...but...I'm tensed now!


(After a few times forcing her to take shower.....)
PaPa : "Go andddddddd mandiiiiii Levi"...
Levin: Ok, Sir! (Just the way Kakak addresses my Dad)


Levin : Kakak susu...
Kakak : How many ounce?
Levin : Many ounce
Kakak : Many ounce??
Levin : Yaa..many..many ounce!
