Ashviqha's Posting:
You can sacrifice anything for your parents and the least I could do is sacrifice my hair! Whhahatt?? Yep, I sacrificed my hair for the sake of Mommy. Mommy was worried how things gonna be when Kakak is not around…My hair consumes lots of Mommy’s time. I know I’m a little girl who’s not so handy to Mommy at the moment and realized that by changing my hairstyle would save Mommy’s time and energy. So decided to cut my hair short! Even though short but I just love it! As if posing for the Vidal Sassoon ad… Phew….STUNNING!
Front view..
Side view...Back view...
u look cute ash....nice hair cut!
u look cute ash....nice hair cut!
Hi dearies, how U all doing??? How's Mommy??? ;)
Missed U ladies...hehe!
Wow, that's a cool hair-do dear! Looks good on U...*wink!
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