Daisypath Friendship tickers

Friday, August 06, 2010

Ash-Levin Turning 2

Ashviqha and Levinkha:

Today at 6 Aug, 11:03am Ash-Levin.blogspot turning 2. Why are we being so specific with 11:03am? Yes, Levinkha was introduced to this world at that particular time 3 years back. Our deepest thanks to those of you who have read, commented, befriended and otherwise kept us company over this time. I hope each of you—those who subscribe, discovered this blog by clicking on a link, learned about it by old-fashioned word of mouth or Googled your way here—will continue reading. We appreciate your visit here!.


Love2cook Malaysia said...

Happy 2nd Blogoversary to Ash~Levin!!! Happy Birthday to dearie Levinkha too!!! :D

Keep rocking!

anits said...

Hpy 2nd anniversary n happy bday levin darling....hey v all august baby....muuahhh...august babies always smart yo!