Daisypath Friendship tickers

Monday, May 25, 2009

First Day At SRK SS19...

Ashviqha's Posting:

...was really exciting. This month is a real tough month for Mommy. She had lots of running around work to settle my kindergarten issue. Smart Reader Kids SS14 has been hit by the worst tsunami. Mommy thought another 7 months is a long way to go and she decided to switch me to Smart Reader Kids SS19 (SRK). Of course the corner lot terrace gives more space for me to run around compared to the confined shop lot. I'm more of a freebird now...:)

I'm now in the afternoon session. Less students...in a way I can get more attention..hehe! This week Uncle Rajan the transporter is sending me to school. But Mommy picks me up in the evening. I finish at 4.30pm and she'll be there about 5.15pm. This gives me a chance to play in the playground next to SRK.

First day wasn't really tough. More of assessments and readings. I heard teacher telling Mommy that I'm quite good in reading. Yippie!!!

Smart Reader Kids SS19

Still energetic after school...


Naseema said...

Ashviqha, I know you are very happy at SR Kids SS19 with all your old friends and some new pals - Mahabir and Sulwyn. You also have more space to run around . Your teachers Siti and Teacher Amarjit are not only caring and dedicated but also very experienced. Ashviqha I really admire you as you are an all rounder :graceful dancer, very creative, good reader, neat handwriter, attentive and alert during lessons, great sport, to name but a few. See you in school tomorrow. T Naseema

Ash-Levin said...

Thanks for your encouraging words Teacher...