Daisypath Friendship tickers

Monday, March 30, 2009


Ashviqha's Posting:

Levinkha now calling me by name. She calls me Ashitha. Well, she replaces 'qha' with 'tha' because she has difficulty getting the 'qha' right. In fact, she calls Kakak as Tatak and Akka as Atta. She sounds really cute when addressing me as Atta.
The other day we were in One Utama when Levinkha called me 'Ashitha' for the first time. PaPa and Mommy were calling my name as I was walking like a bullet train. So she joined them to stop me. Guess what...I did STOP as I was amazed with my little sister's progress!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour

Levinkha's Posting:

I'm so afraid of darkness and yet everyone switched off the lights yesterday from 8.30-9.30pm. As far as I know darkness means 'Hantuuuu'..(ghost) but Mommy told me that it was Earth Hour. Now I remember Akka was mentioning about it few days back.

We went to Siva Periappa's house in Kelana Jaya for a small family gathering. It was more of a candle light dinner. Well this is my first candle light dinner..LOL:)

Everyone was enjoying the food in the dark.

And all thatha's were so involved in the Booze Session!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Splash at the Sunway Lagoon

Levinkha's Posting:

I realized that lately Akka and Me always slacking off from the blogging world...probably due to interruption in the internet connection and Chief Editor's heavy workload. We've got lots of things to share here and definetely keep you updated on our wonderful moments of sisterhood.

Lalala...yesterday was Friday and Akka escaped from Kindy to have a jolly good time at Sunway lagoon. A day out in Sunway Lagoon is a fun-filled encounter to remember. In fact this is the trip that was much anticipated since PaPa came back from Russia.

I was not allowed to go for some of the rides because of my height. Frustrating!

Getting ready for the rides...

On the roller coaster ride

Colarado Splash...

"Bye..Bye Levinkha"

Wild Wild West...

Three gutsy ladies...


I'll never miss any slides, including the one in Lagoon

Go..go..hurry up!

She'll never miss to pose for the camera

Driving a car on water...sounds cool?

"One..two...I'll throw you now.."

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sea Ya

Ashviqha's Posting:

SEA YA at Sunway Pyramid. Everything about the underworld during the school holidays. We were there on the last day of SEA YA, Sunday.

There were some games and fun too. Had the chance to see a Mermaid for the first time. This one was good and eye catchy!! I'm still wondering whether it's a real mermaid...

That's the mermaid...

Yes..I caught 11 fishes!

I also took part in the Handicraft session. This is what exactly I did... First

I was given a picture of a shell to be painted. Then...
the painting was left in the oven for about 30 seconds. It shrinked to almost 1/4 of its size.

Finally add in the chain, and now it is called KEYCHAIN
After the SEA YA adventure we went on the PUPPZ adventure.

zzzzzzz..she's tired!
Ummhhha...Thank you PaPa for the great outing. We had fun!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Weekend Rendezvous

Levinkha's Posting:

Akka and I get restless during the weekends, unless Mommy has extravaganza plans for both of us. We make a point to get around during weekends because that's the only time Mommy is at home. Well, to be frank it's always easier to persuade PaPa than Mommy..She's always prepared with some excuses but as usual I'll let Akka do all the talkings. So far she's been doing her job well...LOL:)

Last weekend we went to Kid's Play Area in Jusco IOI. It's been a long time since Mommy brought us to a Play Area. Akka got new friends there, but I was feeling lonely as the place was packed with kids above four. Kakak took care of me while Mommy went missing in action. Lady's thingy maybe...I mean SHOPPING! We were there playing for one hour plus and I got extremely tired but Akka insisted to stay on. So Mommy brought me around JUSCO. The first thing caught my attention was Barney Softoys. I love Barney! Hey... but the huge ones really scare me.


Akka's new found friend

Click! Photo with the giant dalmations

Akka in 'Hide and Seek' mood

You'll never walk alone...sounds familiar??

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Wash & Blow

Ashviqha's Posting:

Wash and blow my hair? Sounds great until you hear who's my hairstylist....it's MOMMY. She wanted to be a one day 'hairstylist'. Just thought of fulfillng her wish...but to my suprise she did a great job!!

Amazing job isn't it?

Mommy says I look like a grown up girl...

Standard smile...:)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Who is Cuter?

Ashviqha's Posting:

Today Levinkha kept staring at the photos hung on the wall...Bibi (Baby)..Bibi..
Well these are the photos taken when we were 6 months old. Can anyone figure out which one is Ashviqha and Levinkha?
So Mommy asked her which 'Bibi' is cuter?

This one?
or this one?

Her answer was the first photo...mmm I've got no comments! (you know why...)

Sunday, March 01, 2009

1, 2, 3 ...

Levinkha's Posting:

I started of with One, Two, Thee few months back, but now I have improved so much...(that's what Mommy claims).

I can say One, Two, Thee, Pour, Pipe, Sick, Ceven, Eit, Nine, Tttten.
Don't you think I'm great? But Akka told me that there's more to go...Oh dear! I think I'll start with the next level as soon as possible. Do you think I"ll end up with a 'Permanent Head Damage' (PhD) one day?
Hey wait a minute, the other day I heard Mommy telling PaPa that she wants to do PhD. Why would anyone damage their head permanantly? Crazzyyyy world!!! Mmm... got to learn more about this place so called WORLD!

Some of the latest pics. taken yesterday in the playground.

We can fit into one slide. We only grow vertically not horizontally!!