Daisypath Friendship tickers

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hypotension= 2 Weeks Break

Levinkha's Posting:

I think it's high time 4 Mommy to get a break from us...the little monsters. She's got this 90/60 pressure...oh dear, whatever it means.... but in summary it says low blood pressure. She was running around the last two weeks and Akka says that could be 1 of the reason she's going Hypo!

Yes...we decided to go E Poh for 2 weeks. Let Mommy rest in peace..LOL))....and the both of us can have fun with our friends there.

We are goin to E Poh tomorrow with Thata. Mommy said I must to be a good girl and not to increase Thata's blood pressure! What?? In KL low pressure...in E Poh high pressure????
I guess must be some scientific reason for that....(but just don't bother asking Mommy)

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